Good times!

Tomorrow my desk gets rotated. That’s one more step toward a new and bigger plant wall. The crafting shelving unit with table has been moved, the bookshelf with all the magazines and WIP quilt projects and equipment has been moved, the new area rug is down . . . I’m getting closer!

Good news, despite fears to the contrary the aquarium does not leak. That’s $200 I don’t need to spend which gives me more money to spend on plants . . . and that’s going to be the largest cost of the build. I’m still researching what plants I want to add. I want another ricinifolia immense (Hawaiian begonia), some smaller varieties of philodendrons, ficus, smaller varieties of fern, strawberry and angel wing begonias, a few different antherium . . . The goal is to not have anything that protrudes more than 30″ from the wall. I’m going to try to pin on some of the more vibrant moss growing on the maples beside the deck. I’ve already got a 50L bag of leka (expanded clay pellets) to use for putting the plants into the wall. As I get plants I’ll bare root them and get them going in the leka substrate so they’re ready when I finally get the wall built. That will help ensure I don’t get anything added to the wall that isn’t perfectly healthy.

The area below our property has been logged. While I dislike the fact we’ve lost that buffer of trees, we can now see Mt. St. Helens from our house, assuming the weather is clear. At our request they also logged the trees on our easement (as opposed to them being taken down by the wind as happened with our neighbor last night . . . ouch). With the pulp wood being stacked for firewood and the better logs held to be processed for lumber, that will provide a very little bit of income Lorr can use toward property stuff.

Good times.

Annoying and totally off topic

I am prefacing this by saying yes, I know I’m not normal. Why would I want to be normal? So boring . . . but I digress.

Over the years I’ve accumulated a fair number of audiobooks, everything some authors have produced, samplings from others, selected series’ from yet more. Some books I listen to over and over, some series a couple times a year, others more or less often, some in preparation of an author’s new release.

I’ve run into a most annoying thing. I’ve got audiobooks from three different services requiring three different apps on my mobile device. This is so annoying! I have to switch from one to another to work my way through a series.

Somebody, please program an audiobook subscription service manager with an Android app so I can have one app with everything I’ve ever purchased or downloaded including the pre-DRM audiobooks stored on my computer. Charge a monthly nominal fee to consolidate all subscriptions (Amazon, Scribd, Audiobooks, etc.) into one point of access and I’ll be your first subscriber.

Winter wonderland

Our winter wonderland from the deck

Boopy Girl all dressed in winter white

The arrow marks the spot - that's 1/3 of the way to the county road. The drive goes to the left around the south-east pasture and along the barely visible tree line to the arrow where the pasture meets the trees. It then hangs a left and goes another 400 feet down a hill and around a sharp corner before hitting the maybe-plowed county road.

I think we can safely say winter is here, don’t you?

I had plans for today but with the depth of the snow, the length of our driveway, the fact that it’s still snowing and projected to continue snowing all day, I think those plans are officially toast.

If anybody in the neighborhood is going to the store, I need some stuff.  Call me.  <grin>

DIY vinyl lettering

The totally goth Lupo.

Our son has a goth Grand Wagoneer Jeep he has named Lupo.  Everyone who comes up behind it knows it is named Lupo because he has “Lupo” in chrome letters on the back . . . just southwest of the bumper sticker which says “I have evil minions on retainer.”  I did say it was goth.  Matt black with chrome accents?  That doesn’t scream “goth”?

I have a ’96 Sonoma in pretty dark teal with custom white and pink striping I call “Boop” after Betty Boop . . . because she’s got great legs.  I don’t have neat lettering on the back to inform everyone my pickup is named Boop, but I will have shortly.  I’ve ordered custom vinyl lettering from DIY Lettering.  I will shortly have raspberry pink lettering on the back of my Boop to match the pink pinstripes!  Chrome lettering wouldn’t be appropriate on something this girly!

Air Conditioning

Overworked yellow jacket

The pump house has a temporary roof which just begs for critters to build their nests therein.  It’s a fav spot for yellow jackets, though the space is tight.

The yellow jackets started their nest under the metal in much more temperate weather.  Though it’s barely 9 a.m., it’s already promising to be in excess of 80º.  The yellow jackets have already got the air conditioning going full blast.  This little guy is working his wings off to get the air moving up the channel to cool the nest.  It’s a bit difficult to see in the picture but he’s got his body canted in such a way as to direct the flow of air up the channel.

Bead Lanyard

Bead lanyard

I got a replacement cell phone yesterday. The new one is beauteous! It has a slide out qwerty keyboard, which is nice for the 6 or 7 text messages I send a year <rolls eyes>.

I got my bead lanyard switched over this morning. I like the bead lanyard because it does a few important things. It helps me correctly orient my phone without looking, allows me to keep hold of the slippery little sucker, identifies my phone at a glance and hangs out of my pants pocket so I can easily and quickly retrieve it. That’s a pretty good list for a length of Kevlar fishing line and a miscellaneous collection of beads.

Oh, and can you tell I like blue?