Tag: bugs
Critter litter

This is just under the upper rim on the outside of my upper biofilter tank for the outside aquarium. Anyone have an idea what buggy thing this is? Click the image and enlarge.
I know it’s buggy, just not what flavor of bug. Whatever was inside the mud or exudate shell is no longer there. The outside is covered with round . . . they can’t be seeds. They might be eggs but they aren’t like any egg I’ve ever seen. They’re round with a tiny dimple in the face.
Air Conditioning

The pump house has a temporary roof which just begs for critters to build their nests therein. It’s a fav spot for yellow jackets, though the space is tight.
The yellow jackets started their nest under the metal in much more temperate weather. Though it’s barely 9 a.m., it’s already promising to be in excess of 80º. The yellow jackets have already got the air conditioning going full blast. This little guy is working his wings off to get the air moving up the channel to cool the nest. It’s a bit difficult to see in the picture but he’s got his body canted in such a way as to direct the flow of air up the channel.