Terry got my bucket lid painted. The addition of the lid really reduced the sound of falling water and disguises the presence of the bucket. I swapped out the water as I’d sprayed the top couple inches of my beach oleander for aphids and didn’t want to chance overspray ending up in the fish tank. I dumped the bucket of water used to feed the vertical garden and started afresh.
I’m still seeing the startling rate of growth. The dumb cane in the upper left corner has a new leaf that is now almost 3″ long.
The plants in the corner include:
- polypodium vulgare (hanging – common fern)
- aeschynanthus radicans (hanging – lipstick plant)
- chlorophytum comosum (hanging – spider plant)
- bryophyllum pinnatum (beach oleander or oliwa ku kahakai)
- dypsis lutescens (cane palm)
- yucca aloifolia (yucca)
- hedera helix (English ivy – 3 or 4 varieties)
- persea americana (avocado tree)
- dieffenbachia (2 varieties)
- euphorbia milli (crown of thorns)
- streptocarpus (Cape primrose)
- ficus benjamina (weeping fig)
- a variety of palm I haven’t identified yet