In my rushing to and fro I’ve stopped for a few seconds to take a picture of my grow wall. I didn’t take the time to move the other plants away, just snapped the pic as it was, with a bit of the left side blocked by other stuff. I’ve tried to frame the shot so you can see the stuff at the top and the stuff trailing off the bottom. There isn’t much of the backing felt visible anymore. It won’t be much longer and you won’t be able to see it at all.
I can see it’s time to add more water to the fish bucket. There are five small goldfish in the green catch-and-feed bucket. I need to top it up with water about once a week. I try and catch it when I’m watering the garden. I pop the hose through the sliding glass door and top up the bucket. I feed the fish small pellet koi food twice a day.
Just so you have good comparison without hopping around looking, here’s where we started in April. Look at the weeny plants and all the backing felt showing!