Lorr’s making more than one set of lasts for me. This set has been cut into two so they can be removed from boots, which is my first project.
Wadly and I are headed to Lorr’s Saturday. I’ll get a little more detail on exactly how he did the molding, what product he used for the mold and what he used as a mold release agent.
Did you make these resin lasts using the plaster lasts you make before? What did you use for the negative mold?
My son made the negative mold out of a two part molding resin. I can ask him the name if you’d like.
Ya that would be great thank you. 🙂
So let me get this straight.. You cast your foot using alginate then poured plaster of paris, then using your plaster lasts he poured latex then casting resin to create resin lasts?
I’ll ask him. I’m sure at some point he told me.
I do have this to say about the process I went through. I would never again cast my foot while standing with weight on my whole foot. I totally lost the proper leg alignment. Next time I will lift the weight OFF my heel while my foot is being cast to allow my leg to align and give myself a good/proper heel seat.
I had a friend cast my feet totally non-weight bearing and I think that’s also not right. I didn’t get the forepart of my foot correct. Partial weight bearing with the heel off the ground so the leg aligns properly. That’s my next shot at this.
Does that make sense?