I still haven’t gotten around to sending my boots back to be resized for my fat little feet. I admit to being slow . . . not just in getting them packaged up and sent back but also in connecting the dots on how to fix the problem.
My boots went to town to Sunshine Shoe Repair (Korean guy and his wife, really nice people) and he put them on stretchers for four days. I got them back and they were better but not enough so I planned to take them back and have them stretched some more. Then something I watched months and months ago finally clicked. Duh. I’d seen a video wherein a young lady showed how to use ice to stretch shoes. She was stretching peep-toe heels, but why wouldn’t the same concept work for my boots?
I put water in a couple of sandwich bags, stuck them into my boots and put them in the freezer. Yup, that was better but still not enough so I did it again. MUCH better on the right, but the left is still tight. I’ve got my thinnest wool socks on (lime green with white and pink polka dots) and I’ve been out in the snow! How cool is that!?