The (maybe) final word on seafood chowder

I’ve been making seafood chowder pretty much daily. Over the last couple weeks the recipe hasn’t changed. It is SO good! This will make two servings if you add sides (salad, garlic toast, fresh baked rolls, etc.) and choose to share. Otherwise, be a pig and eat it all yourself without sides. It’s worth it!

  • 3-4 large uncooked shrimp split lengthwise and cut into 3/4″ lengths
  • 1/4 lb Pacific cod cut into 3/4″ cubes
  • 2 tomatillos (3 if they’re small, 1 if they’re large) Don’t leave these out. They add a necessary brightness to the dish
  • Green and red pepper diced into 1/4″ pieces
  • Green onion split lengthwise and cut into 1/4″ lengths
  • Tomato, 1 thick slice cubed
  • Broccoli, steamed and sliced fine, 1 cup
  • Shiitake mushroom. This is a texture item. Cube or dice
  • Bone or vegetable broth, 1 cup
  • White wine, 1/4-1/3 cup
  • Fish sauce, 2 tsp
  • Cilantro, 1 tbsp
  • Salt (the dish doesn’t need it but if you like salty stuff, add some!)
  • Gochugaru (Korean red pepper), 1 tsp. Use less or more depending on your taste.
  • Sour cream, 1/4 cup
  • Garlic oil
  • Butter

This is a bit fussy to make because things need to be added in the right order but is so awesome it’s totally worth it.

Clean and cut the broccoli into big pieces. Steam until not quite tender. I use my Instant Pot with a steamer basket. I set it for pressure cook, turn off the keep warm function and set the time to zero minutes. When the light goes off I release the pressure and remove the pot. I get the right tenderness every time. I can start the broccoli and prepare all the other veges while it’s coming up to pressure. By the time I’ve got them all chopped or diced and my pan started the broccoli is done.

I’m a huge fan of cast iron frying pans. I have a bunch. I use an 8″ deepish Lodge pan for this recipe. You could use a sauce pan or a bigger shallower pan . . . do what works for you.

Add butter and garlic oil to the pan. Once heated add all the veges except broccoli. Cook until nearly tender. If your pan starts to look a bit dry, add more butter. Add the broccoli. Cook until thoroughly warmed through. Add broth, wine, fish sauce, cilantro, gochugaru, salt to taste.

Once the mixture starts to simmer stir in the fish and shrimp. Adjust the temperature as necessary to keep the mixture at a very light simmer. Once the fish and shrimp is cooked through (be careful not to overcook) add the sour cream to the center of the pan (don’t stir it in yet) and turn the heat down to just below simmer.

Let sit about five minutes so the sour cream can come up to temperature. Stir the sour cream into the mix and serve.



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