Compass Update

Quarters pinned together with "will not work" center pinned behind

Well, this center certainly isn’t going to work.  Ugh.

I talked with Mindy.  Our next test will use the final points fabric (looks like ocean waves) as the center background and a smaller (2/3 to 3/4 height/width) star in the two shades of green.  I’ll set it off with a small 1/4″ border between the center and the compass points.

I’ll get it put together and we’ll see what it looks like. Just about anything would be an improvement over my first attempt.

Project for family

Mariner's Compass

Years and years ago (in the 70’s) Mindy (LouAnn’s daughter) bought fabric for a quilt of ocean waves around a mariner’s compass center.  In the last half-year, LouAnn has been diligently working on getting the ocean waves blocks done.  The construction of the compass portion of the quilt top falls to me.  I want to finish this up today.  So far, so good.