Pizza . . . well sort of

The new product
You will notice how closely (NOT) the content matches the product on the box

The result, a good representation of what pizza should look like

When you have to live gluten free, life is a series of experiments trying to replicate the experience of “real” food.  Anyone who has a food allergy knows what I mean.  You search for that perfect approximation of whatever the food is that poisons you.  For me, the ultimate is sour dough bread, though I haven’t yet started on that quest.  For now I’ll settle for decent pizza.

If you don’t have a gluten issue, you probably don’t realize it’s gluten that holds bread together while you spread peanut butter on it.  It’s the stickiness or stick-togetheredness in baked goods.  Without it, baked goods fall apart.

In my quest for better pizza I’ve tried a new product, a gluten free cheese pizza by Glutino.

In all fairness, I don’t think pizza is pizza if it doesn’t have stuff on it . . . I mean something more than just sauce and cheese.  And because I’m a “must have meat” girl, it’s gotta have sausage and/or pepperoni. I also want peppers and onions and olives . . .

So here’s the latest in the pizza experiments.

This is the first Glutino product I’ve purchased.  After opening the package, I was a bit dismayed to find the content in no way resembled the image on the box.  At that point, I considered putting it back in the box to return to the store, but I soldiered on.

After tipping off the grated cheese and jellied “sauce”, I added a rich garlic and basil laden pasta sauce, sausage, chopped green and red peppers, chopped onions and a small mountain of shredded mozzarella.  After 20 minutes in the toaster oven I had a reasonable facsimile of what a pizza should look like.

As far as taste goes, it’s okay.  My body didn’t object (most important thing).  The crust sticks together well (contrary to the splay-footed appearance when the crust came out of the box) and has an unobtrusive flavor.  My only objection was a slightly slick texture I didn’t find appealing. though the slickness made removal of the factory added sauce and cheese effortless.  The pizza is large enough for two meals (for me, YMMV).

Is this a good buy?  For me, no.  I think it’s too expensive for what I got.  There’s a gluten free crust from another manufacturer that comes in 8″ squares, 4 to a box for the same price.  Each square is big enough to feed me a serving of pizza 2 to 4 times depending on whether I add a salad or consume it alone.  That’s potentially 16 meals for the same price.  The crust flavor is good, though because there’s no rim to corral the goodies, the same content-falling-off problem exists.

I’d love a thin gluten free pizza crust with a nice hefty rim to hold in all the content.  Sans making it myself (SO not happening), I think I’m in for a long wait.

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