Wadly gets to eat pastry and baked goods all the time and I don’t. <pout> Occasionally I manage to come up with a keeper recipe that’s gluten, sugar and soy free. This one’s a winner.
- 1½ cups Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Biscuit and Baking Mix
- 1 cup cold coffee
- 2 eggs
- ¼ cup real maple syrup (not that fake corn syrup stuff)
- 4 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp vanilla
- ¼ cup real maple syrup (not that fake corn syrup stuff)
- 2 tbsp butter
- chopped pecans to cover a 9×9 dish (¾ cup, more if you want it really nutty)
Preheat the oven to 325°. I use my toaster oven so you’ll have to adjust your time/temp accordingly if you’re using a “real” oven.
Topping – In a small (I use the smallest available) cast iron frying pan melt the butter. Add the maple syrup, stir it into the butter and turn the heat down. While you’re mixing the body of the cake shake the pan occasionally. It doesn’t need stirred, it just needs slopped around in the pan. You’ll know it’s done when it moves like gelatinous slobber (I can’t think of any other description or I’d use it). If you undercook it, no biggy. You’ll have a runny caramel topping. If you overcook it the topping will be chewy . . . I like it that way. I use this topping (same ingredients) for mixing into popcorn instead of just using butter. It’s heavenly.
Cake – Beat the eggs. Mix in vanilla and maple syrup. Stir in the coffee. Add the baking mix and baking soda mixing until smooth.
Spread the topping evenly into the bottom of a 9×9 pan. Spread the pecans over the top of the caramel mix. Pour the cake mix over that.
Bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick stuck in the center comes out clean. You can let it cool before you eat it if you’d like. I don’t. <grin>