There was a terrific sale on Bamboo Pop a couple months ago. I bought enough yarn for three sweaters plus balls of variegated accent yarn. I love this yarn for a number of reasons. It has terrific drape, it’s lovely to work up, it comes in 40 colors and it comes in balls that are twice the size, almost 300 yards of yarn. The regular price is somewhere in the $8.50 range. When it’s on sale it’s a huge steal. So . . . yeah, three sweaters worth plus. I’ve got Ink Blue on the needles. Once the cable threads connect I’ll take a pic and post it. I’m only ~25 rows out from that event. And while I’m knitting I’m thinking about the next sweater in Graphite.

I had an “aha” moment for the Graphite Bamboo Pop. Latvian braid has been enticing me for a while. I’m still testing . . . and pondering but this might be just the thing. Here’s my current sampler. It’s going to get bigger as I try different things.
The bottom two tests are the same thing, just different colors. Nope, this method is both overly complicated and messy.
The top right is doubled yarn. It’s too heavy, though it may have been alright if I had matched the colors in the strands . . . uh . . . maybe.
The top left is really really nice, smooth, clean, even . . . but a slightly heavier yarn might be that perfect middle ground. I’ll keep adding yarn to my test to see what I like best. I’m pulling scraps out of my stash and trying them. I may want to do random weights and colors, each row one accent yarn. I’m liking how it’s working up. I’ll have to find the happy middle for spacing of accent stitches, background stitches and rows.
This will be an awesome way to use up short pieces of yarn. I have a bunch of those. I think most of us do.