I’m way behind in getting seeds started for my outdoors grow bed. I brought in the seed starter tray I used last year to start seeds for the three of us. I just couldn’t make myself jump through the hoops.
I cut up some coco coir mat (liner for a wire hanging basket)

to use as seed beds in my gutter. I laid a bed of gravel and set the coco coir in so the bottom side is flooded each time the wall is fed.
I planted a range of stuff . . . lettuce, tomatoes, oregano, chives . . . and I already have something showing leaves. If I had to guess I’d say it’s lettuce. Germination is six to fourteen days according to pack. Try four days! How rockin’ is that?! With 80° water warming the seeds it accelerates the germination!
When I get LouAnn’s wall built and her plants are no longer in my gutter I may fill the rest of the gutter with pea gravel and plant it. That would be cool!