So let me tell you the dog door story. We got an ancient pug. The young man who had her couldn’t keep her any more so she came here. This is not the first oldster we’ve taken in and we make adjustments to accommodate. This girl was very nearly blind but such an awesome personality. So, we rebuilt our dog door to glass it in (visibility) and updating the ramp so she was easily and happily going out to do her business without us opening the door. We had literally just finished it and she died. Yup, THE NEXT DAY. She vomited on the carpet followed immediately by a seizure. Then she flopped over, dead pretty much instantly. Not fun. Fast, for which I’m thankful but not fun.

So a couple months go by. We have this awesome new dog door which is overkill for our other dog. Then we got another pug! We got her just before her fourth birthday. She too is awesome, a rocket on legs. She’s funny, cuddly and loves the dog door, sits in my lap and snores while I knit, follows Wadly EVERYWHERE and cries when he leaves. Kismet.