Cordwaining is the art of making shoes. I am seeking to embrace this art form. How’s that for pretentious? <LOL>
I have a bit of a problem with shoes as I wear an impossible size. Friends say my wide little feet require boxes with laces, and they aren’t far off. I can’t tell you where I got these ridiculously small feet. My mother and father both had normal sized feet. All my brothers and sisters . . . okay, I lie. My sister has the same size feet, but for some reason I cannot fathom she’s able to wedge her feet into production shoes. Baffles the heck out of me. I can’t. Well, I can, I just can’t walk comfortably when I do! Ugh!

So I’m seeking to make shoes for myself. I’m in the middle of a shoemaking workshop put on by Trackers NW. It’s a good workshop, though I know I’m driving the instructor mad (I cannot deny my nature). By the end of this coming weekend I should have a pair of shoes that fit to show for my effort. Tenth century shoes, but shoes never-the-less.