Braised Beef Stew

We were gifted a bag of packages of frozen very lean beef. I’ve slowly been using it up. I’m down to the last package, chuck steak. Chuck steak is one of my favorite cuts because it’s so versatile. Today I made braised beef stew and it’s really good!

I didn’t have potatoes (grocery shopping is scheduled for tomorrow). I have broccoli and carrots, onion and garlic oil, spices, canned diced tomatoes and red wine so that’s where I went.

Peel three carrots, cut them into chunks, peeled two broccoli stems and cut them into chunks. Cooked them in a frying pan with butter and garlic/onion oil until they’re a little bit done. Pull the veges from the pan, put them in a glass loaf pan and spread a layer of sliced mushrooms over the top. On top of that lay a bay leaf.

Add butter to the pan. Salt and pepper the chuck steak, brown it nicely and put it on top the veges/bay leaf.

To the pan add 1/2 cup diced tomatoes (squish the chunks with a fork), 1/2 cup of red wine, 1 tsp Italian seasoning, 1-1/2 cups broth (today’s was left over from cooking chicken) and heat until simmering. Scrape the bottom well to get all the steak goodness mixed into the liquids. Pour it over the steak.

Add a lid and stick it in a 325ยบ oven for 90 minutes. Pull it from the oven. Poor the liquid off into the frying pan, add corn starch to thicken. While it’s heating/thickening, cut the steak into bite sized pieces, divide into bowls, cover with the vegetable mix (discard the bay leaf) and pour the gravy over the top.

I’ll do this again. It’s pretty delicious.

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