I’m still researching how to permanently rid my wall of aphids while doing no damage to the attached aquarium. I pick them off morning and night. Sometimes I don’t find any or just one, other times I’ll find five or six. I’m obviously not clearing them out so will have to find a way to eradicate them permanently.
I ran into this prep in my search.
Several years ago I came across a homemade remedy for aphids that is the best I have found. The recipe is quite simple and safe.
Put a pinch of Chewing Tobacco in a pint of warm water and let set overnight. Do not cover.
Mix 2 Tablespoons tobacco juice and 1 Tablespoon Listerine in 32 ounce spray bottle and fill with water. Add 2 drops of dish washing soap. Be sure and add soap last.
Spray on any of your pond plants as needed. This has never hurt any of my fish or plants.
This was posted on http://www.macarthurwatergardens.com/PondQ&A-Archives/Safe-NaturalCureFor-Aphids.html by “Sharon from Oklahoma”.
I don’t have chewing tobacco or Listerine, but it sounds like an interesting prep.